Laithwaites Wine
Laithwaites Wine | Lady Luxe Life Liathwaites Wine is one of our favorite gifts to our selves with our subscription, and as the holidays come up, this is also a great gift for others!...
Perfume | Lady Luxe Life Perfume is one of the best accessories we can wear as a woman. 2 of my favorites are Chanel No 5, and also Mon Guerlain, which you may not...
Best Travel Dresses
Best Travel Dresses | Lady Luxe Life It’s my birthday week! The one thing that has not changed year after year, is my love of travel. So, I thought this article from
Fall Decorations
Fall Decorations| Lady Luxe life Fall Decorations are my topic today and I cannot tell you how I happy I am to be talking about pumpkins. Today is National Pumpkin Day and it is...
Day of Respect of Cultural Diversity
Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity | Lady Luxe Life Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity is October 12th and started in Argentina. I found this article on the National Today website, and here...
National Feel the Love Day
National Feel the Love Day | Lady Luxe Life National Feel the Love Day sounds like something we should do everyday, but I thought it would be great to stop and take it in....
Fairlife CorePower
Fairlife CorePower | Lady Luxe Life Fairlife CorePower Protein Shakes have been a great supplement to my diet for years. It’s a great, fast, and easy lunch replacement, and also a great provider of...
Kobe Bryant Day
Kobe Bryant Day | Lady Luxe Life Kobe Bryant Day is today, August 24, and I really wanted to stop and write a blog about him. I’m sure everyone knows his story, but I...
Austin Capital Tour
Austin Capital Tour | Lady Luxe Life Austin Capital Tour is my topic because today is National Capital Day! We live in our state’s capital, and it’s such a pretty place in downtown Austin. ...
Napa Valley Wine Train
Napa Valley Wine Train | Lady Luxe Life The Napa Valley Wine Train was a great experience and I wanted to share it with all of you! Their website has different options, but we...