Modern Day Etiquette

Modern Day Etiquette |  Lady Luxe Life

Modern Day Etiquette is something that I feel has been lost in today’s world.  We are absorbed in our phones, run into people when we are walking, we don’t look up to say hi, and we spend a ton of time on our screens, even when we are on a date! I stumbled across this article about How to be a Modern Lady and thought it would be good to share a few thoughts.

To post the photo, or not to post the photo: 

“When in doubt, think: If my grandmother saw this photo on Facebook/Instagram would she be proud of it? Would you want your children to see the photos you’re posting 30 years down the line? I’m sure you look amazing in your new polka dot bikini selfie, and last night at the club you looked stunning, but just think before you post.”

Social Media has become a huge part of our culture.  It can cause FOMO, mental illness, and loneliness. I try really hard to post things which are good examples for my daughter and want to be a good mentor!

Always remember your please and thank yous: 

“Simple but true. Please and thank you make the world a happier and more polite place. From ordering your soy cappuccino at Starbucks to conversing with the sommelier at Le Bernardin, basic manners NEVER get old.”

100% agree with this statement.  No matter who we are talking to or corresponding with, it is so nice to have please and thank you!  They are two magical words.

Be kind, gracious, and confident:

The holy trinity of being a modern lady.

We would be changed world if we all adhered to this simple, yet powerful piece of etiquette.

Want to read more about etiquette? I have these books I found on ShopStyle Collective:

I have a great blog for those who want to test their etiquette and throw an event with my blog… How To Throw a Dinner Party.


I Love being Kind!


My favorite thing about writing this blog, is to share my passion

for Fashion, Beauty and Style.

I hope you enjoy!!


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