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Luxe Style

breast cancer awareness

Breast Care Awareness

Breast Care Awareness |  Lady Luxe Life: It’s Breast Care Awareness Month and I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot of pink everywhere!  My husband is in the medical field, so he sees the...
texas state fair

Texas State Fair

Texas State Fair | Lady Luxe Life: The Texas State Fair has started and it’s still going on for a few more weeks!  I’ve seen quite a few happenings about it on social media,...
Why should we exercise by kayla banks with lady luxe life in austin tx

Why Should We Exercise?

Why Should We Exercise |  Lady Luxe Life: Why Should We Exercise?  I thought this would be a great blog for today since it’s National Women’s Health and Fitness Day! My husband is in...

Perfect Picnic

A Perfect Picnic | Lady Luxe Life: A perfect picnic is just one of the things I dream about doing when the weather starts shaping up in Texas.  It’s still hot, and it’s been...
healthy pasta

Healthy Pasta

Healthy Pasta | Kayla Banks | Lady Luxe Life Healthy Pasta sounds impossible, but there is such a thing!  Tomorrow is National Linguine Day and pasta is one of those food items I miss! ...
national grateful patient day

National Grateful Patient Day

National Grateful Patient Day | Kayla Banks | Lady Luxe Life National Grateful Patient Day is today, September 7th! My husband works 5-7 days a week in the Operating Room and surgery centers throughout...
Best dogs for the texas heat

Best Dogs for Texas Heat

Best Dogs for Texas Heat | Kayla Banks | Lady Luxe Life Best Dogs for Texas heat is something I have always wondered.  My dogs are indoor dogs and they are spoiled!  But I...
benefits of eating chicken

Benefits of Eating Chicken

Benefits of Eating Chicken| Kayla Banks | Lady Luxe Life The Benefits of Eating Chicken is something I’ve always wondered.  We hear over and over how it’s better to eat chicken.  But, have you...
Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama  | Lady Luxe Life I loved Michelle Obama from the start, but as each year goes by, I adore her even more.  So, today…my #womencrushwednesday is dedicated to her.  I though it...
laguna niguel

Laguna Niguel

Dana Point, California | Lady Luxe Life Laguna Niguel, California is one of my favorite places on the planet.  California is definitely one of my all time best places to travel, and Laguna Niguel...