DIY Hair Treatments

hair masks
hair masks
hair masks

DIY Hair Treatments | Lady Luxe life

DIY Hair Treatments?  What a great idea!  There is no doubt, that hair makes or breaks your entire look.  So, the importance of keeping healthy locks is important for all of us. No matter if you are young or old, with thin or thick hair, we all want to know the best hair treatments.  And if it’s DIY, it means it will be a fraction oft he cost.

There is a great blog Best At Home Hair Treatments  and thought I’d share a few of my favorite options:


Tea might be one of the cheapest options, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it doesn’t work.  Woman’s Day blog says:

“Some of us need tea to get the day started and bring us back to life, and as it just so happens, it can have the same effect on your hair. If you’ve noticed your dark hair has been looking a bit dull lately, black tea may enhance the color and add a temporary shine, according to Healthline. If you’re already a tea drinker, then this at-home remedy is going to be super simple to add to your routine. And even if you’re not, it’s still pretty darn easy. Bonus: Black tea has also been known to help with curl loss.”


To use: Brew some black tea and let it sit until it’s cooled off. Pour the tea onto your hair and let it sit for 10 minutes. Wash the tea out and enjoy your shiny hair.



I don’t know about you, but I may end up buying butter for a recipe, and then it sits in my fridge for months.  This is a great option and not expensive at all!

“We all know butter is rich and creamy, but as it turns out, it can add softness to your hair as well. The treatment is inspired by a long-standing practice in Ethiopia where people use butter to moisturize their hair and protect it from sun damage, according to Daily Mail. For those with curly hair, using butter is a great way to add moisture and shine, according to NaturallyCurly.”

To use: Take a few spoonfuls of room-temperature butter and rub it into your hair. Cover your head with a shower cap and let it sit for up to an hour. Then wash your hair as you normally would.


Yogurt is one of the best protein snacks, which is what I just blogged about last week. But it’s also great for the hair. According to the blog:

“Yogurt contains lactic acid, which typically hydrates hair, preventing frizz and adding moisture,” Giovanni Vaccaro, founding member and artistic director of Glamsquad, tells Woman’s Day. And the best part about this mask? You can mix in any other ingredients, based on what you want to achieve with your haircare. “If you want shine and strength, mix in avocados,” he says. “If you want a PH balance, I like squeezing in lemons and limes. For ultimate shine, I like mixing in a light organic oil, like safflower seed or sunflower seed oil.”


To use: Once you mix the yogurt with whatever ingredients your heart desires, leave the mask in your hair for 15–20 min and then rinse, Vaccaro says.”

Are you not interested in doing your own hair treatments?  Check out a few options I found on ShopStyle Collective!

I’m a big fan of other hair products, and I’ve written a blog about my favorite ones on the market.  Check it out here!




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